Reflection: Every Little Step Counts to A Fruitful Outcome

Along my journey in the previous quarter, I have discovered and learned a lot of things, these discoveries made my knowledge expand more. In the previous quarter, I learned how to make a blog and posting it as well as the rules of plagiarism. I learned all about the domain levels and search engines, as well as web browsers and the web servers. However, out of all those lessons, one of them stood out the most, and that is blog making. Blog making is the most important thing I have learned in ICT so far. 

Furthermore, these discoveries or information I took in, made my knowledge expand even more about the internet, timeline and its history. It felt like a new experience, it was refreshing but a little stressful due to a few problems in the way but it was still fun to learn. I'll make sure that I'll use these discoveries and knowledge I gained in the previous quarter in the upcoming future.

Sure, I had some discoveries along the way, but I also encountered problems and challenges in my path. These problems include, mental block, the problem of memorizing, and memorizing the history of the internet. In our first lesson, we learnt all about the history of the internet, here we were required to memorize the timeline of the internet. I get mental blocked when writing blogs since most of the time I get stuck on what word to put in my blogs. Besides that, there are fortunately no more problems that I encountered during the recent quarter.

As stated in the last paragraph, I encountered some challenges along the way, and of course a problem won't be solved without a solution. I managed to address these problems by thinking of the solutions that may help in solving these problems as well as strengthening my own mind. Without a doubt, my friends also encouraged me to do my very best and it pushed me and motivated me to go forward. Other than my friends, there are also a few things I do to help me address my problems is to have a peace of mind while solving it. I often go out to ease my mind, causing my mind to function more thoroughly and effectively. Landscapes and sceneries really does ease the mind.

Moving on, I will still do my very best in these upcoming quarters. I'll stay motivated and get myself inspired so I can push through each obstacle in my way that blocks me the way to my own development and knowledge. After all, I have my classmates, and my supporting friends that will support me and help me push through to every challenges that I have, they are there to support, motivate, and inspire me, and I am thankful for that. That is why I will still do my best and continue to grow.



  1. thank you for including me as your friend! I'm crying right now...

  2. Interesting blog, Great job!! Keep up doing a great work

  3. Just go and go, Miel! Continue to grow and be motivated for this quarter. You can do it!


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