
 EstudyantePreneur, a event that is managed by the TLE club in ISNHS, along with TLE Teachers. I went to check this event along with my friend and classmates. I will just state my experience when I went to take a visit to this event with my friends.

As we entered the venue where this event is held, I was met with various stands and the one that stood out the most is the laptops in the stage. I assumed that there is where the Gaming Activity is held since it was line up with laptops. We wandered for a few minutes and eventually got lost and went to another building thinking that was the place for the film-viewing.

We went to the Film-viewing place where we watched a short film just for 5 pesos each person. I honestly liked the film but it felt like it lacked something, but either way, it was enjoying to watch it with my friends

After, we went to the Games section where we reconnected with our Grade 9 CSA Teacher. I played a variety of games including brain games
and casual games. It felt like a new experience since I have never tried to play using a laptop in school and someone else's laptop at that. 

Me and my friend just sat there and played games, we even thought of staying there until dismissal time since they said that there is no time limit for playing games but we still doubt that. It just felt like cheating when we just stayed there to play games all afternoon for just 5 pesos. So I sat there and watched him suffer with some games he played then we left after a few minutes. Overall, it was a new experience and kind of fun to spend with my friends.



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