Q3 Reflection: The Last Chapter Arrives


Quarter 3 had already ended. Hardships paid of and stress now relieved. The Next quarter arrives in no time. The page has been flipped once again and we now continue on with the last chapter of this school year, The 4th Quarter. But before we embark our journey to this new chapter, let us reflect back on what we have learned and gained in the previous chapter.

Let us start with what I had learned. I learned all about HTML Tables and Frames, as well as the different html lists like ordered list, unordered list, and nested list. HTML tables allow us to arrange data into rows and columns. It consists of table cells inside rows and columns. HTML frames, on the other hand, are used to divide your browser window into multiple sections where each section can load a separate HTML document. An ordered list typically is a numbered list of items. It can either be marked as numbers, roman numerals and even alphabets, it can even be used to start at a specific number to start on. An unordered list, on the other hand, is a bulleted list of items that are unordered.

We also learned all about Community-based Research. Community-based research (CBR) is a methodological practice that places community partnerships at the forefront. It is centered upon communities that targets either social justice, social change. and social action. Community-based Research can be approached by the following: collaborative, change-oriented, and inclusive

The problems and challenges I faced was rather a few. It might only just be about getting other tags mixed up. I wasn't particularly struggling in the 3rd Quarter, since It feels like I am improving and getting used to the tasks given to us, especially in making blogs. I faced my problems by taking them as a lesson and a experience needed in the future. I took them with positivity and accepted these problems and gave them solutions.

Moving forward, I will continue to give it my all in the last quarter, the 4th, the final chapter. I'll continue to be inspired and driven in order to overcome every barrier that stands in the way of my personal growth and education. Let us embark our journey towards the new and final chapter of our story this school year. Let's roll.







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